North Bay Live Music
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19 Broadway Goodtime Band
3 Acre Holler
3 on a Match
Aaron Durr
Aaron Ford
Above Average
Achilles Wheel
Acoustic Soul
Adam Lieb
Adam Traum
Adrian West Band
Agents of Change
Ain't Misbehavin'
Aki Kumar
Alan Early
Alex Dunn
Alex Jordan
Alex Koford
Alex Markels
Alice in the Garden
Alien Hit Radio
Alison Alstrom
Alison Harris
Along Came Elee
Alphabet Rockers
AltCity Band
Aly Rose Trio
Amelia Hogan
American Lore
Amity Janes
Amy Obenski
Amy Wigton
Andreas Psychoyos
Andrew Bosscher
Angel Amador
Angie Maserati
Anna Karney
Anna May
Anna Troy
Annie Sampson Band
Anthony Arya
Anthony Presti
Antoinette Rootsdawtah
Aqua Nett
Aqua Velvets
Ariana LaMark
Ariel Marin
Ash Powell
Asher Belsky
Ashleigh Flynn & The Riveters
Ashley E. Norton
Asleep At The Wheel
Atomic Cocktail
Audio Angel
Audrey Moira Shimkas
Austin Delone
Avocado Sundae
B & the Hive
B Sharp Blues Band
B-Side Players
Back Dimples
Back pOrchestra
Bad Ass Boots Band
Bad Camper
Bad Jacket
Bad Neighbor
Banana & The Bunch
Band of Friends
Bandjango Collectif
Banjo Boombox
Barb Raboy Quartet
Barrio Manouche
Barry Sless
Bay Co
Bay Station Band
Beau Beau Band
Beau Bradbury
Beckylin & Her Druthers
Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers
Bellarosa String Quartet
Belles of the Levee
Ben Greenberg
Ben Roots
Benton Vaughan
Bermudagrass Triangle
Big Blu Soul Trio
Big Brother & the Holding Co.
Big Daddy
Big G Trio
Big Twang Theory
Bill DeCarli
Bill Hansell
Bill Kirchen
Bill McCubbin
Bill Rhyne
Billy D.
Birdz of Prey
Bitter Truth
Black Cat Bone
Black Sheep Brass Band
Blackbird Convention
Blind Date
Blind Lemon Pledge
Blonde Toledo
Bloomfield Bluegrass Band
Blooming Fire
Blue Luke Andrews
Blue Oak
Blue Radio
Bluegrass Residency
Bluelight Cheap Hotel
Blues Burners
Blues Defenders
Bo Gypsy
BoHoss Boogie Boys
Bob Culbertson
Bob McBain
Bobby Jo Valentine
Bohemian Highway
Bon Bon Vivant
Book of Birds
Bottle Shock
Bourbon Street Brass Band
Box Set
Boy In The Bubble
Boys of Summer
Brad Brooks
Brad Curtis Project
Brad James
Brad Wilson
Brandon Eardley
Brett Fenex
Brian Francis Baudoin
Brie Paige
Bronze Medal Hopefuls
Brothers Comatose
Brothers Gadjo
Bruce Klein
Bruce Sadownick
Bryana Helena
Bryce Druzin
Bubba's Taxi
Buck Nickels and Loose Change
Buck Short And The Fenceposts
Buck Thrifty
Bugbee Project
Bumford & Sons
Burrows & Dilbeck
Buzzy Martin
Byron Onisko
C&R Duo
CW Bayer
Caitlin Jemma
Caleb Tesnow
California Blue Runners
California Honeydrops
Callie Watts
Calvin Arsenia
Cam Jenicula
Camp Jeff
Campbell's Jazz Soup
Carl Green
Carlos Henrique Pereira
Carlos Herrera
Carlos Reyes
Casey Neil & The Norway Rats
Casual Coalition
Casual Yak
Catfish Jack
Cathie Poncia
Cello Joe
Charged Particles
Charles Thompson
Charlie Musselwhite
Cherie Lebow
Chip Boaz
Chloe Jean
Choppin Broccoli
Chris "Chappy" Chappell
Chris Ahlman
Chris Amberger Trio
Chris Braun
Chris Cain
Chris Hanlin
Chris Holbrook
Chris Huson
Chris James & The Showdowns
Chris Makonnen
Chris Newton
Chris Peck
Chris Saunders
Christian Dupree
Christian Foley-Beining
Christian Laremont
Christian Pepin
Christmas Jug Band
Chuck Prophet
Chuck Sher
Ciara Rooke
Circles Around The Sun
Citizen Flannel
Claiborne and Friends
Clay Bell
Clementine Darling
Coast Highway
Coastal Wreckage
Cole Panther
Cole and Mikki Tate
Colonel & the Mermaids
Colter Wall
Common Knowledge
Complicated Animals
Con Brio
Cormac Gannon
Corte Madera Town Band
Cosmo & Leslie
Court 'n' Disaster
Coyote Creates
Coyote Slim
Craig Caffall
Craig Corona
Craig Jessup
Craig MacArthur
Crash Pilot
Crescent Moonshine
Crow's Landing
Crying Time
Culann's Hounds
Curtis Lawson
DANILO y su Orquestra Universal
DJ Fiya
Da Puna Bruddahs
Dale Alstrom's Jazz Society
Damage Inc
Damien Escobar
Dan Durkin
Dan Lebowitz
Dan Martin
Danny & Essence
Danny Click
Danny Luehring
Danny Montana
Danny Montana & The Bar Association
Dante Marino
Daphne Moore
Dark & Stormy
Dark Bright
Darren Nelson
Darryl Rowe & Fuzzy Slippers
Dave Aguilar
Dave Chapman
Dave Crimmen
Dave Hamilton
Dave Hooper
Dave McBride
Dave Monterey
David Agulair
David Correa
David Dondero
David Field
David Gans
David Grisman
David Luning
David Nelson Band
David Outlaw
David Rocha
David Ronconi
David Thompson
David Udolf
Dead Bugs
Dead Roses
Dean Grech
Deborah Winters
Deep Basement Shakers
Dennis Haneda
Derek Irving
Derek Sup
Derrick Irving
Deseos Primitivos
Deszon Claiborne
Devin Thompson
Dick Conte
Dictator Tots
Dirty Cello
Dirty Lures
Dirty Red Barn
Dirty Shames
Divided Heaven
Doc Kraft
Dodgy Mountain Men
Doggone Ornery
Don Trotta
Donna D'Acuti
Donna Spitzer
Donovan Walsh
Dore Coller
Dos Bandoleros
Doug Harman
Douglas Cross
Down Dirty Shake
Dr. Mojo
Dream Farmers
Drew Harrison
Dry Creek Station
Dry Ice Queen
Dubcraft Reggae
Duo Viva
Dustin Saylor
Dusty Green Bones Band
Dylan Black Project
Dylan Hayes Electric Band
Dylan Hayes Solo Piano
Dylan Hayes Trio
Dylan Juhan
Dylan and Friends
Dynamic Dave & The Detonators
Dynamo Jones
EZ Street
Easy Leaves
Ed Goldfarb
Eddie Neon Blues Band
Edgardo Cambón & Candela
Edge of the West
Eki Shola
El Cajon
El Oso
El Radio Fantastique
Eldon Brown Band
Electric Funeral
Electric Tumbleweed
Elena Lambertson
Elena Welch
Eli Carlton Pearson
Elima Five
Ellie James
Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio
Elvis Johnson
Emily Lois
Empty Pockets
Enuff Z'nuff
Eric Butterfield
Eric Enos
Eric Long
Eric Wiley
Erica Ambrin
Erik Yates
Erin Sky
Eugene V
Evening Glass
Everything Band
Exit 52
Factor 11
Faith Ako
Falcon Christopher
Familiar Strangers
Fargo Brothers
Fargo Duo
Faster Pussycat
Felipe Ferraz and JoAnne Craig
Felix Bannon
Festival Speed
Fitch Mountaineers
Fito Reinoso - Ritmo Y Armonia
Fiyah Squad
Fleetwood Macramé
Fleetwood Mask
Fly By Train
Flying Salvias
Fog Holler
Fog Swamp
Folk Yeah
Fordham Murdy aka The Reverend Freakchild
Forrest Day
Fortunate Youth
Foxes in the Henhouse
Frances Ancheta
Francesca Lee
Francesco Echo
Frank Martin
Franki Jupiter
Frankie & The Pool Boys
Frankie Boots
Frankie Bourne
Fred Ross-Perry
Freddy Clark & Wobbly World
Free Peoples
Freestone Peaches
French Oak Gypsy Band
Full Chizel
Full Circle
Full View
Funk Fatale
Funk Nugget
Funky Gators
Fynch Meep
G Deloian Band
GB Gents
GG Amos
Gabriel Wheaton
Gail Muldrow
Gary Blackburn
Gary Vogensen
Gas Money
Gator Nation
Generation Idol
Geo Howard
George Heagerty
George Porter Jr.
Georges Lammam
Ghosts of Electricity
Gilded Age
Gill Brothers Band
Gillian Grogan
Glenn Lowe
Glenn Siegel
Glory Dayz
Go By Ocean
Goin' Down the Line
Gold Coast Jazz Band
Good Karma
Graham Edwards
Graham Parker
Grapefruit Moon
Great Wide Open
Greg Hester
Greg Lamboy
Groove Eternal
Groovy Judy
Gypsy Trio
Ha Vay
Haley Mears
Hall Pass
Hangman's Daughter
Hank Levine
Hannah Miller
Harry's Big Rock Revival
Hattie Craven
Heartles Benatar
Heartwood Crossing
Heath De Fount-Haberlin
Heather Combs
Heidi Newfield
Helen Orzel
Here Comes Trouble
Hey Jude
High Strung Duo
Highway 1 Revisited
Highway 12 Band
Highway Poets
Hilary Marckx
Hip Service
Holus Bolus
Hooper and Sloss
Hot Buttered Rum
Hot Grubb
Hot Roux
Howell Devine
Hoytus Rolen
Hunka Hunka Hula Revue
Hurricane Gulch
Hydra-matic Drive Bluegrass Band
Ian Dogole
Ian Hinkley
Ian Scherer
Iko Ya Ya
Indestructible Blood
Intuitive Compass
Inyan Kin
Iron Front
Isaac Carter
Issac Cantor
J.W. Teller
JP Soden
Jack & The Tall Guy
Jackie Greene
Jackie Venson
Jacob Aranda
Jacob Benning
Jacob Jolliff Band
Jai Josefs Trio
Jam Club
James Funk
James Harman
James Moseley
James Patrick Regan
James White Trio
James the Weak
Jami Jamison Band
Jamie Clark
Jan Dylan Hunter
Jane Blonde and the Goldfingers
Janet Lee
Janet Lee & Bruce B
Janie and the Reformed
Jason Bodlovich
Jason Farnham
Jason Marion
Jason Movrich
Jason Thwaites
Jason Wright
Jasper Henry
Jay Bonet Band
Jay Lewallen
Jay Messer
Jaydub and Dino
Jealous Zelig
Jeanie & Chuck
Jef Labes
Jeff Derby
Jeff Desira
Jeff Pierce
Jeff Salman
Jeff Suburu
Jeff Troiano
Jeffrey Halford & The Healers
Jen Howard
Jen Tucker
Jenna Mammina
Jennifer Bryce
Jenny Kerr Band
Jeremy D'Antonio
Jeremy Gorman
Jerry Hannan
Jerry's Middle Finger
Jesse Brewster
Jessica Malone
Jethro Jeremiah Band
Jim Adams
Jim Sobo Music & The Howling Coyote Tour
Jim and Eye
JimBo Trout
Jimi James Band
Jimmy 2 Times
Jimmy Kraft
Jinx Jones
JoJo Diamond
Joan Wilson Rueter
Jocelyn Kay Levy
Joe Craven
Joe Endoso
Joe Olin
Joe Valley
Joel Martin
John Allair
John Anaya
John Burdick
John Chevalier
John Courage
John Lawton
John Paul Hodge
John R. Burr
John Trubee
John Wheeler
John Youngblood
John and Camilla Ford
Johnny Fontano
Johnny Tsunami and The Hurricanes
Johnny Young
Johnny and June
Jon Chi
Jon Gonzales
Jon Lawton
Jon Shannon Williams
Jon Strider
Jonathan Poretz
Jone's Carwash
Joni Davis
Jonny Mojo
Jordan Feinstein
Jordan and the Ritual
Joseph Cañas
Josh Brough
Josh McGuiness
Josh Staples
Josh Yenne
Joshua Cripps
Joshua James Jackson
Joshua Martin
Joshua Paul Spears
Journey Revisited
Julie Bernard
Julio Bravo y Orquestra Salsabor
Junior Toots
Junk Parlor
Jus Wright
Justin Hylton
Justin Shaefers
Kalei Yamanoho
Karen Sudjian
Kariana Edrington
Kate Gaffney
Kate Magdalena
Katie Cavera
Katie Phillips
Katie Skene
Kayce Western & The Dollar Bin
Kehoe International
Keller Williams
Kelly McFarling
Kelly Peterson
Ken Newman
Ken Teel
Kendall Osborne
Kendall Osbourne
Kendra & the Bunnies
Kendra McKinley
Kern Richards
Kerry Daly Band
Kevin Griffin
Kevin Hutchinson
Kevin Meade & Highway 1
Kevin Russell
Kevin Wacker
Kevin White
Key Lime Pie
Keystone Canyon
Kid Galaga
Kimi Keating
Kimrea and Dreamdogs
King Daddy
King Dream
King Nexus
King St Giants
King Tide
Kirk Harwood
Kolohe Kai
Koolerator with Barry Sless
Kopley and Radice
Kronos Quartet
Kurt Huget
Kyle Alden
Kyle Craft
Kyle Martin
La Agencia
La Gente SF
La Matilda
Lady D and the Tramps
Lady May & The Working Days
Lara Louise
Last of a Dyin' Breed
Late for the Train
Latin Rhythm Boys
Laura Lee Brown
Lauren Ashley Galbreath
Lauren Ashley Galbreath & The Stampede
Lavay Smith
Lazy Brad Lewis
Le Duo: Gabe & Mimi
Le Hot Club Swing
Leah J. Jones
Lee Vandeveer Band
Left Coast Syncopators
Leroy from the North
Levi Lloyd
Levi's Workshop
Lil Elephant
Lilan Kane
Linda Moody
Lindsay Albright
Lindsay Everly
Lindsay Gang
Little Gems
Livin Like Kings
Liz Kennedy
Liza Silva Voz do Brazil
Lizzie Lamorte
Loan Star Retrobates
Locked In Tonight
Logan Riddle
Long Story Short
Loosely Covered
Loralee Christensen
Lorca Hart Organ Trio
Lori B & The Jazz Pack
Lorin Rowan & the Deep Blue Jam
Lorin Rowan and the Deep Blue Jam
Lorri B and The Jazz Pack
Los Bahianatos
Los Boleros
Los Lobos
Los Mendoza y Friends
Los Padres
Louie Romero y su gruppo Mazacote
Louisiana Time Travelers
Lovin' Dead
Lovin' Harmony Trio
Lowstar Rodeo
Lucas Lawson
Lucky Drive Band
Lucky Mothers
Lucky Ol' Bones
M'Gilvry Allen
MJ's Brass Boppers
Mac and Bru
Mac and Potter
Madeleine King
Mads Tolling
Mads Tolling & The Mads Men
Maggie Rose
Mama Said
Mama's Boy
Marble Party
Marcos Pereda
Maria Muldaur & Her Red Hot Bluesiana Band
Marianna August
Marin County Breakdown
Marin Symphony
Mario Aparicio Latin Group
Mark Dennis & Mark Wilson
Mark Karan
Marshall House Project
Marty O'Reilly
Matt Bolton
Matt Jaffe
Matt Lax
Matt Reinschlang & The Black Box
Matt Von Roderick
Matthew Charles Heulitt
Maurice Tani
Max Vogel
Maxx Cabello Jr
Medicine Ball
Megan McLaughlin
Megan Schoenbohm
Meggy Travers
Meli Levi
Melvin Seals & JGB
Memory Lane
Mestizo Beat
Michael & Amy
Michael Ahern
Michael Ahern & The Rockmakers
Michael B Serious
Michael Brown
Michael Brown w/ John Varn
Michael Gabriel
Michael Israel
Michael LaMacchia
Michael Martinez
Michael Michael Motorcycle
Michael Papenburg
Michael Solstrom
Michelle Lambert
Mick Martin
Midnight North
Midnight Sun Massive
Migrant Pickers
Mike & Sam's Three-Legged Dog
Mike Hellman
Mike Saliani
Mike Z.
Mimi & The Moonlights
Minus Mary
Miracle Mule
Miss Amba Henry & Friends
Miss Lonely Hearts
Miss Moonshine
Mission Blue
Mississippi Moon
Mitch Woods
Moderately Handsome
Modern Monsters
Monday Cafe
Mood Jungle
Mookie Siegel
Morris LeGrande
Mother Cream
Motley Inc
Mr Chin's Hot Sauce
Mr Crowley
Mr. December
Mumbo Gumbo
Mundo Rio
Mustache Harbor
Mystery Dance
Mystic Guys
Mônica da Silva
Nancy Wright
Narayan & Janet
Nat Keefe
Natalie Cressman
Natasha Jane Julian
Nate Hancock
Nate Lopez
Natural Pear
Neon Grey Band
New Copasetics
New Hip Replacements
New Monsoon
New Moon on Monday
New Music Foundation
New Skye Band
New Wild Hog
Nicco Weisskoff
Nick Foxer
Nick Otis
Nick Otis & Matt Silva
Nicki Bluhm
Nicole Marden
Night Animals
Night Train
No Account Blues
No Room for Zeus
Noel Jewkes
Noelle Glory
Norm Arslan
Norman Collins & The Tumblers
Norman Greenbaum
Note Worthy
Now and Zen
O and the RIOTS
Oaktown Funk
Obsidian Son
Odd Job Ensemble
Okie Weiss
Ollie Dudek
One & Done
One Grass Two Grass
One Wild Night
Onye & The Messengers
Open Mic Night With Ceni
Open Mic Night With Dennis Haneda
Open Mic With Derek Smith
Open Mic With Levi Smith
Organ Odyssey
Orquesta son de Caña
Otilia Donaire Band
Otis Scarecroe
Otto Huber
PB & Jam
Pablo Cruise
Pablo Quintero
Pacific Vibration
Painted Waves
Pamela Parker
Pardon the Interruption
Parlor Tricks
Partial Cell
Parts & Labor
Pat Echols and Michael Margulies
Pat Jordan Band
Pato Banton
Patrick Winningham
Paul Hayward
Paul Riley
Paul Steward
Paul Thorn
Paul and Laura
Peace of G
Pete Floyd
Peter Rowan Band
Petty Rocks
Petty Theft
Phil Lawrence
Phil Lesh & The Terrapin Allstars
Phony Abalone
Pickled Beats
Pink Martini
Poison Ivy Circus
Pokey LaFarge
Poor Man's Whiskey
Pop Fiction
Pop Rocks
Post Age
Pride & Joy
Profits of Doom
Public Enema
Purple Glaze
R and B and Zydeco
R&B&Z Band
Ragtag Sullivan
Rai Jobe
Rainbow Girls
Ralph's Garage
Rambletone Tweed
Randy Cook
Randy Vincent Jazz
Ray Simpson Big Band
Reckless Kelly
Red Lions
Red's Blues
Redwood Highway Ramblers
Renegade Orchestra
René Escovedo
Retro Infusion
Reuben's Ride
Rhonda Sauce
Rhyme and Reason
Rhythm Department
Rhythm Wheel
Rhythmtown Jive
Ricardo Lemvo
Rich Little Band
Richie Rich & The Millionaires
Rick Carlson
Rick Hardin
Ricky Ray
Riner Scivally
Riptide Station
Rivertown Skifflers
Rivertown Trio
Road Dog Review
Road Eleven
Roadside Honey
Rob Fordyce
Robert Cray
Roberta Donnay
Rocio y Su Sonora
Rock Bottom Blues Band
Rock Candy
Rock and Roll Rhythm Revue
Rock on a Roll
Rockville Roadkill Big Band
Rocky Michaels
Roem Baur
Rojai & The Pocket
Ron Artis II & The Truth
Ron Rosson
Rose Haze
Rose Room Collective
Rosetown Ramblers
Rotten Tomatoes
Rowdy River Special
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers & The Delta Rhythm Kings
Royal Jelly Jive
Ruben Valtierra
Rudy Colombini
Russian River Ramblers
Rusty Reds
Ruth Ahlers
Ryan Bobbett
Ryan Woodard
Rykarda Parasol and Her Band
S.R. Laws
Sabbath Lives
Sabor De Mi Cuba
Sal's Greenhouse
Sally Haggard
Salsa Rosa
Sam Chase
Sam Cole
Sami Weibel
Samuel Gray Edmondson
San Francisco Airship
San Francisco FeetWarmers
San Francisco Sound Experiment
San Geronimo
Sandy Geller
Sang Matiz
Sarah Baker
Sarah Potenza
Sascha Jacobsen
Satchmo's Ghost
Sausalito Slim
Savannah Blue
Scarlett Letters
Science Buzz Cafe
Scott Foreman
Scott Guberman
Sean Carscadden
Sean Hayes
Sean Parnell
Sean Rowe
Sebastian Saint James
Secret Lives Band
Sergei Tchelakov
Shana Morrison
Shane Schlick
Shannon Bryant
Sharyn Paquette
Shawna Herve
Shelby Ann
Shelby Lantern
Ship of Fools
Shoplifters United
Showcase Band
Silas Fermoy
Silver Starling
Simon Melrose
Simoné Mosley
Sky Blue
Sky O'Banion
Slim Man
Slouching Stars
Small Time Bandits
Smoke & Mirrors
Smokehouse Gamblers
Sol Horizon
Solid Air
Sonoma County Sound System
Sons of Champlin
Soul Discipilz
Soul Fuse
Soul Mechanix
Soul Ska
Sound Dunes
South County
Southern Culture on the Skids
Space Cadet
Space Mice
Spencer Day
Spike Sikes and The Awesome Hotcakes
Squirrel Nut Zippers
St. Lawrence String Quartet
Standard Blue
Starduster Orchestra
Starling Six
State Fair
Stax City
Stella & Ian Duo
Stella & The Starlights
Stella Heath
Stephanie Ozer
Stephanie Teel
Stephanie Teel Band
Stephanie Woodford
Steve Pile
Stevie Cornell
Stewart Degner
Stewart Patrick
Sticky's Backyard
Stu Allen
Stymie & The PJLO
Sun Kings
Sunny and The Black Pack
Super Diamond
Surf Monster
Susan Sutton Trio
Susan Z
Suzi's Last Resort
Swamp Thang
Sweet Burgundy
Sweet City Blues
Sweet Stank
Swing Shift
T Sisters
Tab Benoit's Swampland Jam
Tainted Love
Take Off
Talley Up
Tangled Up In Blue
Tatum's Muse
Taylor Mountain
Tea Leaf Green
Teal Collins
Ted & Company
Ted Kuster & Co
Terrence Brewer
Thadeus Gonzalez
The 4 Inch Studs
The 559
The 7th Sons
The Acrosonics
The Alcatraz Islanders
The Ali Cats Collective
The Anthony Paule Soul Orchestra
The Atomic Beatles
The Atomic Punks
The Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash
The Beach Boys
The Beat Meters
The Beer Scouts
The Beguilers
The Bill Petitti Quartet
The Billie Holiday Project
The Blender
The Blind Barbers
The Bloodstones
The Blue Swamis
The Bluebyrds
The Blues Bottle Band
The Blues Broads
The Bonafides
The Breedloves
The Caliopians
The Chameleons
The China Cats
The Christmas Jug Band
The Coffis Brothers
The Commonheart
The Cork Pullers
The Crooked Stuff
The Cross Keys
The Cross-Eyed Possum
The Cryptics
The Dale Polissar Trio
The Dans of Steel
The Dawdlers
The Deadlies
The Del Novas
The Diversions
The Dynamic Duo
The Electricfiers
The Evening Hawks
The Fabulous Biotones
The Fabulous O'Hara Brothers
The Fairfax Social Club
The Feelings Parade
The Fizz Fuzz
The Flyover States
The Fog
The Freshmakers
The Funky Dozen
The Gold Souls
The Grand Nationals
The HA
The Happys
The Healdsburg Community Band
The Heard Eye
The Henry Coopers
The HonkyTonk StumbleWeeds
The Hot Clams
The Hot Club of Marin
The Hots
The Humdinger Band
The Humidors
The Hyperdrive Kittens
The Igniters
The Incubators
The Infamous Stringdusters
The JT-3
The Jody Counter Band
The Juggs
The Karma Bandits
The Keller Sisters
The Kelly Peterson Trio
The Last Time Travelers
The Leddy Park Band
The Lemonhammer
The Live Oaks
The Lucky Devils
The Lucky Losers
The Marchmen
The Mighty Mules Blues Band
The Missing Man Quartet
The Missing Variables
The Mojo Messengers
The Motet
The Mother Hips
The Musers
The Nitecaps
The No Good Redwood Ramblers
The Noteworthy Band
The Nother Mother Brothers
The Nowhere Family Band
The Nth Power
The Pat & Mike Show
The Pine Leaf Boys
The Pitchforks
The Poyntlyss Sistars
The Pulsators
The Purple Ones
The Quitters
The Quitters Duo
The Rains
The Real Sarahs
The Rebel Tones
The Remedies
The Renovators
The Renovators Band
The Rhythm Drivers
The Road Runners
The Second Street Band
The Seismics
The Selkies
The Shots String Band
The Sidemen
The Skatalites
The Smart Fellers
The Solcats
The Sonoma Shakers
The Sons of Emperor Norton
The Sorentinos
The Soul Section
The SoulFire Project
The SoulShake
The Soulbillies
The Spindles
The Stick Shifts
The Stomp Kings
The Stony Point Ramblers
The Straw Wattles
The Stu Tails
The Sucker MCs
The Temblors
The TherapeuTx
The Tonewoods
The Undone
The Voodoo Vultures
The Watchers
The Zach Waters Band
The Zins
The ladidas
Thea Rose
Third Coyote
Third Rail
Thirsty Ground
This Frontier Needs Heroes
Thompson Brothers
Those Darn Accordions
Thru The Haze
Thunderstorm Artis
Tika & The Moonshines
Tim Baker
Timothy O'Neil
Tina Marzell
Todd Bugbee
Todos Santos
Tom Conneely & Birds of Paradise
Tom Duarte
Tom Finch
Tom Martin
Tom Rigney and Flambeau
Tommy Castro
Tommy O'Mahony
Tommy Odetto
Tommy Thomsen
Tony Hannah
Tony Saunders
Trace Repeat
Train Wreck Junction
Transistor Rodeo
Traveling Wilburys Revue
Travis Geyer
Travis Hayes
Travis James
Treble Makers
Trio Viva
Trouble in the Wind
Tru Lyric
Tumbleweed Soul
Twin Soles
Two Lions Band
Two Smooth
Tyler McCourtney
Tyler Rich
Ukulenny & Dos Pogi Boys
Umphrey's McGee
Un AmOur Band
Unauthorized Rolling Stones
Uncle Mercy
Uncle Sea Monster
Vagabond Empire
Valerie Jay
Valerie Jay & The Americanos
Vickie Guillory & the Sugar Cats
Victoria George and the High Lonesome
Vince Charming
Virgil Shaw & The Killer Views
Vital Waves
Viva la Reve
Voices in My Head
Void Where Prohibited
Volker Strifler Band
WC Edgar
Walt D' Dog
Wanda Stafford
We Are The Kind
Wednesday Night Big Band
Weekend at Bernie's
Well Known Strangers
Wendy Dewitt
Wendy Fitz
Werewolf on Holiday
West County Funk Collective
West King String Band
West Of Malbay
Western Centuries
Westside Road Band
Whiskey & Honey
Whiskey Family Band
Wicked Uncle
Will Bernard
Will Eisenberg
Will Magid
Willie Perez
Willow and Hound
Wilson Rodriguez Duo
Wolf Run
Wonder Bread 5
Woodlander & Friends
Wreckless Strangers
Wyld Iris
X Confidence
Xavier Lecouturier
Youngblood & Co
Z and The Benders
Zack Selwyn
Zoë Winter
Zydeco Flames
doRiaN Mode
sonoma aroma
tommy rocks