The Heard Eye

Trumpeter/vocalist PAUL SCHNEIDER and Guitarist HANNES DE KASSIAN began playing jazz and funk together in the Summer of 2018, gigging steadily at clubs, bars and wineries in Sonoma and Marin Counties in the North Bay Area of California. Like people everywhere, their progress was halted by the Covid pandemic in 2020. PAUL re-connected online with his long-time friend, famed drummer Atma Anur, who asked if he'd been writing any songs and said he'd love to do the drum tracks. Paul purchased a digital recording set-up and they began recording songs. He decided to call this project “the Heard Eye”, a pun on the famous concept of Third Eye chakra, and also an implied combination of sensory perceptions leading to a radical new awareness. He enlisted HANNES on guitar, and with a crew of various other musicians all working remotely they recorded a full album. That album is “FUNKALYPSE”, released in Summer 2023. Tracks from the album quickly began racking up streams on Spotify and other streaming services, and made the charts on digital radio. They decided to put a live band together, and after cycling through various combinations of musicians, settled on the current line-up of CHRIS STUDER on keyboards and backing vocals, with various free agents on bass and drums. Live, they present the songs from the album as well as new material and improvisational journeys through time and space. The Heard Eye . Bringin’ on the Funkalypse!
The Heard Eye

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